Code for America, is a non-profit partnering up with the city to improve the experience of starting a business in Long Beach.
If you are an entrepreneur or business owner in Long Beach, please help us by filling out our brief survey. It should take about 5 minutes.
Thank you in advance for your time.
About this survey:
2016 Fellowship in Long Beach
In 2016 Code for America is working with the City of Long Beach, CA to develop online tools that help entrepreneurs easily navigate the steps to start, manage, and grow a business. In summer 2015, the U.S. Small Business Administration awarded the City of Long Beach a $50,000 prize through its Startup in a Day initiative, which aims to reduce the amount of time it takes to register and apply for permits and licenses on the local level.
Currently, a prospective small business owner in Long Beach must navigate multiple agencies, departments, and forms to find information on the registration, licensing, and financing process. This complicated process is also felt on the city side, with staff engaging in multiple information management systems. The fellowship is building a web application that connects entrepreneurs to business planning resources so they can easily and successfully navigate the registration process.
Local team leads
- Mayor Robert Garcia, City of Long Beach, CA
- Mark Taylor, Chief of Staff, City of Long Beach, CA
- John Keisler, Innovation Team Director, City of Long Beach, CA
Focus Area
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